

柔道館,Eishin Campus, designed by Christopher Alexander

An Excerpt from Passion for Pilgrimage: Notes for the Journey Home, Meditations on the Easter Mystery by Alan Jones

Alan Jones hits the mark with this three-part meditation on the passion, the pilgrimage, and the longing for home. Here is an excerpt on the spiritual practice of hospitality.
"Hospitality is a sign of the Resurrection, a sign of new life, a sign of the reordering of the universe around one great table. We know from experience that, when patterns of hospitality break down, human beings suffer terrible cruelties. Is it possible for us to imagine a community where everyone is welcome and where there is enough? If hospitality is a sign of Resurrection, its denial is the harbinger of death. There is perverse joy we sometimes experience in excluding others from our particular table. Our longing for acceptance and approval is often accompanied by a desire to exclude others. To be part of an 'in' group requires that there be a large number (the larger the better) of outsiders. There is something very satisfying about exclusiveness.
"The indiscriminate welcoming of all people to the Supper of the Lamb is very threatening. The notion that everybody is welcome radically reorders our world. The question we posed earlier remains. Do we fear resurrection more than crucifixion? We choose death when we refuse to come to the banquet out of snobbery or fear. The Resurrection calls us all to life, to the possibility of new personal attachments and to new communal responsibilities. No wonder we resist it. The Love of God is indiscriminate and out of control. No wonder many of us try to organize another banquet somewhere else. There are many such banquets — focused on religion, ideology, or prejudice. Not everyone is invited to these parties. The guest list is carefully vetted, and there is a clear line drawn between those who are 'in' and those who are 'out.' 
糅合Alan Jones的建議,我認為在聖三共融的靜觀生活中有下列要點,當然,這僅僅是靜觀生活中的部分而已:
  1. 氣息祈禱
  2. 臨在於音籟之豐盛與安靜
  3. 內視身體,臟腑對話
  4. 坐忘與觀靜
  5. 凝視聖像 (相關)
  6. 聆聽與神思於上主
  7. 禁食與聖餐
  8. 默想七罪,查驗意識
  9. 代禱與感恩
  10. 歸心祈禱及耶穌禱文
  11. 按手醫治
  12. 記憶療癒,意識查驗
  13. 直視自我,釋放情緒
  14. 靜思死亡
  15. 靈修筆記
  16. 讀經靈閱
  17. 明陣及登山默想
  18. 金錢奉献
  19. 人生聖禮:(主日崇拜、社會使命、朝聖之旅)

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